WISER’s Asset Tracking Solution Revolutionizes Custom Fabrication at Mainway Metalworks

WISER's innovative asset tracking system plays a pivotal role in streamlining operations and tracking production at Mainway Metalworks, a Canadian custom fabrication shop. This use-case highlights how WISER's Locator transforms operations, addressing the challenges faced by a tool and metal stamping manufacturer.

Tracking tool and metal stamping inventory outdoor with RTLS
Tracking tool and mets stamping inventory outdoors with RTLS

The Problem: Tracking Dies Through Active and Complex Processes

Mainway encountered difficulties in tracking customer specific dies within its facility, leading to potential production halts. The complexity intensified with look-alike assets; its traditional manual clipboard-based approach fell short during times of increased production and expansion of manufacturing processes.

Addressing Immediate Needs: Custom Dies Tracking
The immediate need was to track custom dies (stamping jigs) for processed metal parts. With hundreds of dies, finding the right one for a specific customer order became a daunting task. The challenge was exacerbated by the lack of memory regarding the last location of a die, which could span months or even years. The company approached the issue by associating each production task with a specific die holding identifying work orders. Workers moved the dies in bins across the facility as products progressed, creating challenges in locating the right die due to their similar appearances and variable movements.

The Solution: WISER's Locator RTLS

Mainway implemented WISER's Tracker Tags on each tool die, offering real-time location tracking accurate within inches. WISER's networked wireless smart antenna nodes capture asset locations, overlaying them on a facility map in real time. Mainway utilizes WISER’s tracker app and visualization tool on tablets to find dies throughout the facility. 

In addition, Mainway utilized WISER’s WISER RTLS Antennas' Ruggedized Enclosures and outdoor solar installation solution, due to the unavailability of power outdoors.

The Results: Real-Time Visibility and Efficiency

WISER's tracking system provided immediate visibility to die locations, allowing workers to locate them effortlessly. This eliminated the need for hours of searching, saving countless hours of manual labor and improving production efficiency. The system generated comprehensive data on part, project, and work order statuses, empowering users to address issues preemptively and optimize future production.

Mainway’s WISER installation will produce extensive data covering all components, projects, and the status of work orders in the future. This will enable users to proactively address bottleneck and quality issues and optimize future production.

 WISER's asset tracking system provides a comprehensive solution by autonomously and instantly measuring performance metrics for all production stages on-site empowers end-users with real-time insights, prevents downtime, and boosts overall operational efficiency, seamlessly integrating with existing workflows. This case illustrates how WISER's Redundant Radio Location and Tracking (RRLT) technology not only transforms tracking and location management in intricate manufacturing settings but also provides data visualization and insight into operational and productivity improvements that may not have been otherwise apparent.


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