Preserving Privacy while Locating and Tracking Personnel
Tracking and locating personnel brings an added consideration to real-time location systems—protecting individual rights to privacy. Whether tracking field workers in hazardous locations, medical professionals in hospitals, or tour guides in sports stadiums, WISER’s industry-leading Redundant Radio Localization and Tracking (RRLT) better protects personal privacy in comparison with conventional methods.
WISER’s Distributed RRLT
WISER RRLT does not employ cameras, biometrics, facial recognition or personal cell phone tracking—things employees often consider intrusive. The system utilizes a segregated, on-site network of very low-power ultra-wideband (UWB) devices that can be focused to track only within designated workspaces.
As a distributed, localized, edge solution, WISER wearable devices can be non-individualized to provide meta-data only. Or they can be individualized only in the event of pre-specified events such as a safety or perimeter violations. Devices are never tracked outside the pre-determined workspace footprint, and employees can leave them at work at the end of the day.
The WISER System
The WISER system generates and distributes data using a segregated network of ultra-wideband (UWB) devices. Isolating location data in this way protects data from being scraped over a network. WISER hardware can also be isolated from sensitive company intranets. Furthermore, the WISER Locator does not require WiFi or other pre-existing wireless networks to operate. Not requiring company WiFi or cloud services to operate also helps keep this valuable personal data safe from hackers or other malicious actors. WISER solutions can operate in a secure cloud configuration or entirely on-premises, which adds another layer of control and security for end users.
WISER also lets end users control the size or shape of the area being tracked. This enables them to limit the scope of a tracking arena. Furthermore, users can draw digital zones in WISER’s Tag and Track software to mark virtual blind spots. These blind spots could be parking lots, break rooms, restrooms, or other areas with additional privacy concerns.
WISER tracks personnel only using metadata like ID numbers for the tracker tag issued to them. These numbers can be changed at will—at the conclusion of an efficiency study or an emergency muster drill, for instance. WISER customers can reissue tags at any time as an additional measure of protection.
End-users have direct control over the unmasking of individual data, such as in the event of an emergency. As such, end users and their employees can determine how individual data may be used in compliance with workplace rules or federal regulations like HIPPA.
Unlike many other real-time location systems (RTLS), the WISER Locator gives the end user full ownership of all data generated. WISER does not monetize any customer-generated data or give data access to any third parties without specific permission from the customer. Distributed, site-based data ownership and control helps to keep data safe and prevent hacking or data breaches by malicious parties.