WISER in the Press
See what other people have to say about WISER’s asset tracking and micro-location technology.
“The WISER system autonomously reports precise (sub-meter or inch-level) coordinates via a computer or mobile device and is accurate even in cluttered, metallic, or complex manufacturing environments where conventional tracking technologies perform poorly. ”
“One example at CES has particularly jumped out at me so far: Wiser Systems’ IoT asset tracker. Haven’t heard of it? It involves real-time 3-D asset tracking capabilities and a mobile user interface...Not exciting to you? Ask anyone who runs a factory. This is TS.”
“Today’s IoT technologies are quickly enabling many companies to more efficiently track these assets, their condition and usage. Want an example? Then check out the live demonstrations...at WISER System’s booth as they show off their new real-time 3D asset tracking capabilities.”
“Talk about addressing of ‘pain points.’ WISER Systems, a Raleigh startup, is helping people and companies improve inventory tracking with wireless Internet of Things technology...[WISER] is making the IoT real.”
WISER Systems, as seen in:
IoT Worlds