The latest articles, audio, and video on how WISER’s RFID UWB RTLS locating & tracking system saves you time and money.

IoT Worlds

The Security Advantages of On-Premises Real-Time Location Systems Over Cloud-Based Solutions

In recent years, businesses have increasingly embraced real-time location systems (RTLS) to enhance operational efficiency and streamline processes. As organizations evaluate the deployment options for RTLS, the choice between on-premises (on-prem) and cloud solutions has become a crucial consideration. While cloud solutions offer scalability and accessibility, newer UWB RTLS on-prem solutions, that can also scale, have emerged as a more secure alternative.

IoT Worlds

Advancements in UWB Indoor-Outdoor Location Technologies: Revolutionizing Autonomous Asset Tracking in Manufacturing Facilities

The growing demand for real-time locating and retrieval of items, regardless of their size, has led to the rise of precision positioning systems. The pandemic has further highlighted the need for manufacturing facilities to optimize resources amidst a tight labor market and supply chain disruptions. To tackle these challenges, corporations have turned to wireless real time location systems (RTLS), aiming to streamline and improve their monitoring of work processes, parts, orders, and equipment.

MRO Management News

Ultra-wideband (UWB) Real-Time Location Systems (RTLS) play a crucial role in providing accurate and timely positioning and tracking data continuously and in real-time—unlike last-known-scan solutions. With UWB RTLS, even industries with cluttered, metal-filled environments can more accurately and reliably monitor assets and manage inventory and workflows with 100% visibility, giving managers the tools for data-driven decisions.

RFID Journal

Here's how your organization could utilize both radio frequency identification and ultra-wideband technologies in your manufacturing facilities.
As Factory of the Future and Industry 4.0 innovation deployments gain momentum worldwide, real-time location systems (RTLS) are becoming increasingly recognized as among the most productive, cost-effective, impactful and least disruptive additions to the manufacturing process. With this in mind, many companies are now faced with deciding which RTLS technology best fits their needs. In some instances it might make sense to utilize different technologies together.

MRO Management News

To keep your MRO facility running smoothly and productivity high, a digital transformation of your workflow with a locating and tracking system will unquestionably be a competitive advantage.

Asset Tracking / Real-Time Location in a Warehouse Setting (Video)

See how the WISER Locator operates in a cluttered warehouse environment, enabling autonomous inventory, vehicle tracking, immediate search-and-find for tagged items, and other smart warehousing applications.

Applications of the WISER Locator (Video)

How WISER’s innovative RTLS smartens location-based processes in manufacturing, warehousing, yard management, logistics, personnel tracking, and various other applications.

MRO Management News

For many MRO facilities, tracking parts and work flow management can be a huge issue. Many of these facilities see numerous airplane engines and parts arrive daily. How can MROs add Industry 4.0 efficient real time locating systems to keep their facilities running at top speed? Read the full article and see how WISER’s ATLAS real-time location and tracking can help any facility become more efficient.

Application of the WISER UWB RTLS System (Video)
We Do it Better!

The WISER ATLAS & Locator Real Time Locating & Tracking System

 With the WISER UWB Real Time Locating System (RTLS), you can now gain instant and real-time visibility, as well as accurate tracking of your valuable assets within real-world environments. This innovative solution is perfect for a wide range of applications, including tracking work in progress during manufacturing, automating inventory management, preventing loss, and optimizing overall operations.

 The Locator component of the system is specifically designed to efficiently track a substantial number of assets, making it an excellent choice for scenarios involving hundreds of items. However, if your tracking requirements involve thousands or even tens of thousands of assets, then the ATLAS system is the ideal solution for you. Regardless of the scale, both systems perform exceptionally well, even in demanding heavy metal manufacturing environments.

Upgrade your asset management capabilities with the WISER ATLAS & Locator UWB RTLS solution and experience the difference it can make in enhancing efficiency and control over your valuable resources.

Setting Up the WISER Locator (Video)

A quick overview of WISER’s plug-and-play system setup. This video covers both the physical deployment and the software auto-calibration process for WISER’s real-time location system (RTLS).

WiFi Ninjas Videocast Episode 050: UWB RTLS with WISER Systems (Videocast and Podcast)

WISER’s Logan Maxwell talks with Mac Deryng and Matt Starling of WiFi Ninjas about how WISER’s real-time location system saves time and money. The conversation culminates in a live video demo of the WISER Locator in action.

Mr. Beacon Episode #110: Lower Cost UWB RTLS Arrives

Steve Statler of the Mr. Beacon Podcast talks with WISER’s Logan Maxwell and CEO Dr. Elaine Rideout, exploring the uses and advantages of UWB real-time location.

Embedded Computing Design Podcast: Featuring WISER’s Logan Maxwell

WISER’s Logan Maxwell talks with Rich Nass of Embedded Computing Design, exploring how the tracking and tracing of things affects businesses today.

Embedded Computing Design Podcast: Featuring WISER’s Logan Maxwell

WISER’s Logan Maxwell talks with Rich Nass of Embedded Computing Design, exploring how the tracking and tracing of things affects businesses today.

The Human Element in Industry 4.0

Three key reasons humans continue to be critical to Industry 4.0.

How to Make Your IIoT Project Succeed: Insights, Best Practices, and Data from 35+ Studies and Guides

Failure is a common story for the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), but it doesn’t have to be. In this post, we dive into expert insights on avoiding failure, mitigating risk, and getting the most out of IIoT initiatives.

IoT Manufacturing: The Rise of Automated Systems and WISER Ways to Manage

Where does real-time location fit in the landscape of smart manufacturing? WISER’s Logan Maxwell discusses this here with tech journalist Arti Loftus. Highlights include:

  • Examples of how manufacturers use RTLS and asset tracking

  • Common misconceptions about location and tracking technologies

  • Benefits of WISER’s UWB Locator

How Manufacturers Save Time and Money with the WISER Locator

Losing things can be especially expensive—or dangerous—in factories. This article looks at just 3 main ways manufacturers use the WISER Locator to manage risks and costs: 1) reducing planned downtime; 2) cutting unplanned downtime; and 3) improving site security.

Real-Time Indoor Positioning with Wiser

ClearBlade Edge Computing for Enterprise IoT Solutions